Earnings Classes and Contributions from January 3, 2005
(Based on 9.3% contribution rate)
Earnings Class |
Weekly Earnings |
Monthly Earnings |
Assumed Average Weekly Earnings |
Employee's Weekly Contribution |
Employer's Weekly Contribution |
Total Weekly Contribution |
Class Z Weekly |
I |
100.00-159.99 |
433.00 - 692.99 |
130.00 |
4.03 |
8.06 |
12.09 |
0.87 |
II |
160.00-219.99 |
693.00 -952.99 |
190.00 |
5.89 |
11.78 |
17.67 |
1.28 |
220.00-289.99 |
953.00 -1,256.99 |
255.00 |
7.91 |
15.82 |
23.73 |
1.71 |
IV |
290.00-359.99 |
1,257.00-1,559.99 |
325.00 |
10.08 |
20.16 |
30.24 |
2.18 |
V |
360.00-439.99 |
1,560.00 -1,906.99 |
400.00 |
12.40 |
24.80 |
37.20 |
2.69 |
VI |
440.00-529.99 |
1,907.00-2,296.99 |
485.00 |
15.04 |
30.08 |
45.12 |
3.26 |
530.00-619.99 |
2,297.00-2,686.99 |
575.00 |
17.83 |
35.66 |
53.49 |
3.86 |
620.00-709.99 |
2,687.00-3,076.99 |
665.00 |
20.62 |
41.24 |
61.86 |
4.47 |
IX |
710.00-809.99 |
3,077.00-3,509.99 |
760.00 |
23.56 |
47.12 |
70.68 |
5.11 |
X |
810.00-909.99 |
3,510.00-3,942.99 |
860.00 |
26.66 |
53.32 |
79.98 |
5.78 |
XI |
910.00-1009.99 |
3,943.00-4,376.99 |
960.00 |
29.86 |
59.52 |
89.28 |
6.45 |
1,010 and over |
4,377.00 and over |
1,010.00 |
31.31 |
62.62 |
93.93 |
6.79 |