FAQs -Benefits
If what you seek is not here please
contact us with your request.
We will get back to you.

When the last increase in benefit payments come into effect?

How long must a man and woman have been living together to be considered in a
common law relationship?

What is required to qualify for the Invalidity benefit?
What is required to qualify for the Funeral Grant?

What is required to qualify for the Survivors’ benefit?

If one is a step relation e.g. Step-child, step-mother, step-father, of the
deceased am I entitled to claim any benefits?

What is the Minimum Retirement Pension Paid?

Why must the deceased have made 50 contributions for the survivor to qualify
for a benefit?

Why am I not receiving a pension in the highest class even though all my
contributions were made in the highest class?

Why would the
Board pay my late claim for survivors benefit from the date of
receipt instead of the date of contingency?

If my husband had received a retirement grant, when he dies, am I entitled to
survivors benefit?

If my employer pays me full pay while I was on maternity leave. Am I entitled
to claims for maternity benefit and maternity grant?

What is the time frame for submission of claims?

What happens if I submit my claims later than the time period?

How is the retirement grant computed?

What happens in the case of a person married more than once under the
Muslim law?

Do legally married persons need an
affidavit from immediate family?