Registration is the process by which the NIBTT records specific data in respect of Employers and Employees and issues a unique Registration Number, which positively identifies one entity from another or one insured person from another.
The registration process is the foundation of the service we provide. In addition to being a legal requirement, the registration process enables the NIBTT to expeditiously determine applications for benefit because it can -
- Establish and maintain a sound and accurate database of all employers and insured persons.
- Properly identify one entity or insured person from another.
- Maintain accurate and complete contribution records on each insured person.
With effect from January 7th 2008, the Board may reject or revoke
the registration of any person or entity applying for registration as an
employer where the registration is as a result of fraud, misrepresentation, or
Use of National Insurance Forms
Whenever you perform National Insurance functions under the National Insurance Act or
Regulations, you must accurately complete the specific National Insurance forms that are designed so that you can give all the information required.
All forms are available FREE of charge at any National Insurance Service Centre or are downloadable.