FAQs - Contributions
If what you seek is not here please contact us with your request. We will get back to you.
are the changes to the NIS and when will these changes be implemented?
Why was the decision taken to increase contribution rates?
Why was the decision taken to increase the level of Maximum Insurable Earnings (MIE)?
How will these Increases affect employees living on constant salaries?
How hard will this increase hit the pockets of employess and employers?
Are there going to be any increases to benefits?
While you speak of the need to increasing the contribution rates and the maximum insurable earnings, what are the disadvantages and who will suffer most?
Are the contributions presently adequate to meet benefit demands?
Does the employer still contribute twice that paid by the
What if my employer deducts, but does not remit contributions on my behalf to the Board?
What if I pay my contributions late?
If I am over age 60, but not yet 65, receiving a pension and (re)employed, do I have to pay contributions?
What happens to the contributions paid during this period?
Can I pay in advance?
If I overpay contributions, will I get a refund?
If I employ temporary persons, do I have to deduct and pay contributions?
Will self employed persons be required to contribute to the system now?
Under what conditions will I be able to pay voluntary contributions?
How do my old contributions relate to the new contribution and benefit structure?
If I work for 2 hours at $80 per week, are contributions payable?
Where a wife is employed by her husband, can National Insurance be paid on her behalf?
Can I submit my employees’ data on diskette every month?
When do the interest and penalty be effective from?
Does the board have any power of garnishment?
Will government and state departments be subjected to interest and penalty impositions?
Can the Board waive the penalty charge for late payment of contributions?